Helping Another

I’ve made it of utmost importance to show respect and kindness to anyone I come across in life. I don’t know what struggles that person faces in their day to day life but what I do know is it is possible to brighten their day. Kindness can help someone back down off of the ledge they are standing on. Showing them someone cares is the best medicine available.

I was told not long ago that my encouragement and kind words helped someone get through some depression they were going through. I didn’t know this person nor did I know I was even reaching them. I read little pieces of other writers work and offer up my thoughts. I welcome those needing someone to just talk to, to come and chat with me. I believe most people to be good and they want to be heard and understood.

My point is, you never know how much of an impact you are making on others but it’s still important that you do it. Be the change this world needs. I know I preach it all of the time but I believe so strongly in it. Love and Kindness are what every human being wants and thrives on.

Show it. See it. Be it. Do it.

Love, Kindness, & Respect

So many preach kindness and love yet so little practice what they preach. You want to classify and stand correct. But, at what cost? Do you simply not want to be kind to someone based on the color of their skin, sex orientation, or choice in a romantic partner? How does that make you feel better? How does that solve anything?


It will only add more fuel to the burning flame. No matter on what end you stand someone will be burnt.
The only way to extinguish the fire is with love, kindness, and respect.

I don’t want to add more problems to this already heavy world. Rather, I’d like to be part of the solution. I don’t base my thoughts about someone by what they look like or who they love. That would be ridiculous for me to do. Every choice a person makes, makes them into who they are. Who they are meant to be.

I guess I just don’t get how some people seem to live to downgrade and belittle someone for a reason that is beyond that person’s control. They are who they are and there isn’t anything you or anyone else can do to change them. If you want to do something, be kind to them. Encourage them. Show them respect and humility.

I know I’m a no-name-small-town-fiction-author but if anyone is to hear my voice, I want them to hear my truths and what I stand for. I refuse to judge others and will always welcome the hurt with open arms. I may not be able to take away their pain but I can try to lessen. I will accept them for the amazing individuals they are. I will show them there are people out there who do care about how they feel and accept them for who they are.

I’m not naïve enough to think I can change the thoughts of every person who comes across this but I have to hope I can make some people stop and think about their own actions. I want to make a difference and if I lose my entire following over it but can help just one person, then that’s fine with me. I’d rather help that one person than have thousands of followers who don’t get what I stand for and the kind of person I am. I admit I’m a stubborn person but I’m also kindhearted. I love with everything I have and I do my best to help others.

I’ve received looks and disturbing comments from some in regards to my current book in progress, Beyond Judgement. If you have so much hatred and feel uncomfortable about what I write please unfollow me. Because I hate to break it to you but my writing and the subjects of the books I write are my choice and I choose to write about what is important to me.

For those who’ve had to deal with hatred by voice or by the hands of someone else. I’m truly sorry. Life isn’t supposed to be that way. You’re allowed to live the life you want no matter what someone else thinks. As long as you are happy and cared for that’s all that matters.

Just be you.