Moving forward in 2022!

Well, we’ve made it to a New Year!

I don’t know about you, but for me this year has a different energy. An energy I haven’t felt in a long time. I feel at peace, energetic, and full of hope for 2022. The past two years have been difficult and, I’m not going to pretend otherwise. Many have fought silent battles, myself included, but we’ve made it through. I found a piece I’d written a few months ago when I felt things shifting within myself. From dark and gloom to hope and light. I’m sharing it with you below.

In today’s current world, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty of life. But I want to encourage you to seek it. Staring at the tv or at countless news articles will only remove you further from peace. Don’t engage in and encourage the negativity being broadcasted to you; it’ll only keep you in the “doom” state of mind.

For a while, when Covid first became a thing, I was nervous and anxious every moment of the day, but as the days turned into a year and then, on, I sat down and really thought about things. Living life afraid benefits no one. It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let it take over to the point where you lose your joy.

I have children and I don’t want them growing up in a world full of chaos, hate, judgment, or Covid, amongst other things, but here they are. They take everything in stride. It is true what they say; children are more resilient than we are. They still play, laugh, and have fun while enjoying everything kids do. My boys roll down luscious green grass-covered hills. They stomp their feet in the mud and splash in water puddles. They enjoy the rain while it is here, searching for a rainbow when the sun peeks from the gray clouds. Never losing sight of fun that each day brings.

In more than one way, my boys have helped me through this dark and difficult time. I may not know the answers to the many questions of Covid, but I know this tension we are all feeling will not last forever. Eventually, we will persevere as we’ve always done, but we must do it together. Being divided will only prolong this. Put your ego, your fear, your anger, down. Step outside and notice the beauty around you. The sunny skies, the birds chirping in the trees, the wind whispering in your ears, and the grass tickling your toes.

I’m planning many new things in 2022!

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Don’t be a stranger!

Image They’re watching…

While this may seem like a simple comment. I’ve come to understand it on a deeper level. I work hard on creating eye-catching images to go with quotes from my books. Humans are naturally get-to-the-point creatures. They want information as soon as possible. Books take time for you to fall in love with them. Unlike a song or a piece of art, that you can within seconds to minutes decided whether or not you like it.

Books take longer. Both to create and read. It takes a certain amount of perseverance to finish.

I mentioned to my husband that I can see how many views the images, writings, and other things receive. Yet hardly anyone reacts to them. I go back and forth on whether or not what I’m doing is working. Am I reaching the audience I’m searching for or am I simply talking to a wall?
I still don’t have an answer to that question. I can say that I’ve been learning and trying to better my craft. I hope that I’m reaching someone. Even though they are silent, I know they are watching.

How do I know?

By the reviews I’ve been receiving.

Reviews mean more to an author than readers seem to understand. When you post a book review or even a comment on a piece of work, it is both humbling and rewarding. We get to see that what we’ve created has been absorbed and understood. That our words mean something to you. We’ve made a difference in your life, even if just for a second.

My message here is to any artist, writer, or creator of any kind. What you do matters. It may seem like you are just shouting into the wind, but someone somewhere is listening and watching.

You are someone’s idol.

Keep going. Keep Creating.

Allie & Eve, Beyond Judgement, LGBTQ+ Community

With its upcoming book release, I thought it fitting to talk about this book of mine. I have been asked a few times now if it will be a series. At first, I only had the intention of creating it as a standalone, but interest has grown for it, and I’ve found myself pondering the idea of moving forward with it as a series. In making this choice, I know I may prolong dealing with some difficult people, but I also don’t give up on things so easily.

I wanted to talk about a few things and different feelings I’ve had while creating this book. None of this is meant to offend or upset anyone. I’m simply sharing what I believe and how I’ve felt during the past year while writing this. It’s true what they say. “Writer’s write what they know.” It’s true for the most part, but I write fiction. NOT everything I write will be something that I’ve had first-hand experience with, but ALL of it will be written because it needs to be said or I feel it has been put in my hands for a reason.

I wrote a post on my author Facebook page a few months ago, and I’m going to share it here as well.

“It has taken me a while to decide if I should post this or not but I feel like it needs to be said. I have lost followers since posting about my upcoming book Beyond Judgement. If you think I have not noticed, I have. But if you aren’t willing to support me because of something like this then I guess I don’t need your support. I know there are some who do not agree with the idea of same sex couples or books about them. I know there are some who also disagree with tv shows/movies broadcasting such love. I understand we will not see eye to eye in all things. We are human and we all have our own opinions.

However, I’m growing tired of constantly defending my writing and my choice to write about the love of a same sex couple. I’m not trying to throw this down anyone’s throat or force it into the hands of people who do not wish to read it. I’m simply trying to show support to the LGBTQ+ community. In doing so, I have opened up a tidal wave of circulating questions about myself. Let me just stop them here. My private life is mine and those in it know where my heart and love reside. I am a wife to an amazing man and a mother to two wonderful boys. I am 1st and foremost theirs! That is all you ever need to know!

If you know me well enough, you should know that I’m a hopeless romantic in all things. Life, books, music, movies, shows. It doesn’t matter to me who the main characters are or their sexuality. The only thing I see is love and there isn’t anything wrong with that. At least in my eyes.

When I decided to write this book, I don’t think I fully understood what I was taking on. In some ways, I’ve been shown what it is like for the LGBTQ+ community. The whispers, the comments, the anger, the fear, the hurt, the sadness. If you think for one minute that I’m going to step aside and not stand up for something I feel passionate about, you’re wrong. I was raised to stand up for what I believe in and I BELIEVE IN LOVE! I BELIEVE IN HAPPINESS!

I have a reason for writing the stories that I do. Being a writer and author, I know things will get said about me regardless because I’m putting myself out into the public eye. I knew that when I started writing. I write because I love and enjoy it! Be the one to make a difference!”

This book has my beating heart. I love it in its entirety.

I cover many topics within it and coming out and accepting yourself is one of them. I have one character who struggles to come out as gay, while the other is confident in her bisexuality, but struggles to accept herself entirely.

Let’s just take a direct quote from the book here….
“The good, the bad, the grey.” — Allie

I stand firmly with the LGBTQ+ community. I will not sway how I feel about it or them. All they want is to love who they want and be the individual they are meant to be. There’s nothing wrong with either of those. You don’t have to accept it or even like it, but as decent humans we should all respect each other!!

I’ve said it once and I will say it again. If I help just one person in any way to feel less alone in this world. To help them feel loved or understood, then I’ve done my job. Do I want to make money writing stories? Of course I do! But, to hear from the heart of others is more valuable to me than any kind of money could be. I cherish the simple things.

To answer your question. Will Beyond Judgement be a series?

Beyond Judgement is Book 1 in the series.

For those wondering about the Unbreakable series.
I do have the third book written and plan to also have it published within the year!

If you’re still reading this, then you must be one of the chosen. Thank you for your love and support. I truly value you!

The Creative Calling

Some days I feel like I’m not doing enough to further expand my writing. I’m not producing quick enough nor good enough. I’m not marketing my books well. I just feel stuck. If you’re a creative human and are trying to get yourself out there I know you understand where I’m coming from here. I try not to worry about this stuff because I do the best I can with the time I have. Being a stay-at-home mom sounds great but is difficult when you’re trying to write books and market them. Add in the chaos of the pandemic that has put a HUGE damper on your ideas for book sales by eliminating any possibility of book signings. This year has not been the best as I’ve re-released my 1st book in the Unbreakable Series as well as launched the release of the 2nd.

I do not think of myself as an exceptional writer but I do feel that the messages within my books are worthy of being told. If I don’t tell the stories that are placed into my heart, who will?

I was talking with a good friend of mine yesterday and something she said stuck with me. I’ve thought about our conversation and decided to write about it.

So, for the singers, writers, photographers, musicians, artists, painters, actors/actresses. This is for you.

We, the creative, are presented with inspiration for an idea at one point or another. It’s our choice to answer the call to create something from it or not. What you perceive and create may be different from what the audience may find but that’s the beauty of it. We’re given the opportunity to show the world heart and kindness. To show what it’s like to walk in another’s shoes, to travel the world and the imaginary ones.

The creative calling is more than just what meets the eye. We pour every last ounce of ourselves into our creations. We want satisfaction in knowing we have somehow made a difference. Even if to just one person.  I believe that we are given what we are given to shape and mold it in our own ways before sending it out into the universe where it will either be liked or not. We never know until we find the courage to present what we’ve created.

As Gandhi once said, “Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s very important that you do it.”

No matter what your creative outlet is. Remember to answer the calling. You never know what doors it will open for you.

Video Be creative and keep going.

A close friend of mine sent me this video. I was taken aback by its message. It touched my heart so deeply. I never felt understood before until I watched this. Being a writer is my love and I enjoy creating.

However, like many other creative and talented people, I struggle to find the beauty in my own work. I always say I take the negative criticism way easier than I do the positive. Why? Because it feeds that voice inside my head that has always told me I’m not good enough. I’m not good enough to be an author. I’m not good enough to be a friend. I’m not good enough for anything. If someone compliments my work, I say thank you, but feel like they are just saying that to be nice. That they truly don’t care for it but don’t want to hurt my feelings. If you’re a creative person and have never had any doubt inside your head when putting work out there, then I applaud you.

I’ve had the opportunity to help a writer with her first novel and it was the greatest privilege I’ve had so far. I don’t pretend to know everything about the book industry, and in many areas, I’m lacking. The one area that I remember the most in the journey to find a publisher is the constant rejections until the ONE day that someone decides to give you a chance. It’s hard to accept that your work isn’t for everyone. Not every single person you know will like what you write or want to read it. Not everyone will understand the inner struggles you go through on your way to success, but it’s VERY important that you keep going. That you keep putting yourself out there. That you keep putting your heart on the line. You and your work matter. Reach out to those on a similar path and I guarantee you will find the support you need.

For me, being creative is more than just putting words on to a piece of paper. I pour my heart, tears, laughter, scars, love, and hope into the things I write. Maybe no one will relate to any of it, but it is my hope that at least one person will enjoy my work. I’ve said it before. If I can help just one person to feel less alone and loved in this world, I’ll feel like I’ve made a difference.

No matter your journey or how difficult you feel it is, please keep going. Keep showing the world your talent and your heart.