Moving forward in 2022!

Well, we’ve made it to a New Year!

I don’t know about you, but for me this year has a different energy. An energy I haven’t felt in a long time. I feel at peace, energetic, and full of hope for 2022. The past two years have been difficult and, I’m not going to pretend otherwise. Many have fought silent battles, myself included, but we’ve made it through. I found a piece I’d written a few months ago when I felt things shifting within myself. From dark and gloom to hope and light. I’m sharing it with you below.

In today’s current world, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty of life. But I want to encourage you to seek it. Staring at the tv or at countless news articles will only remove you further from peace. Don’t engage in and encourage the negativity being broadcasted to you; it’ll only keep you in the “doom” state of mind.

For a while, when Covid first became a thing, I was nervous and anxious every moment of the day, but as the days turned into a year and then, on, I sat down and really thought about things. Living life afraid benefits no one. It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let it take over to the point where you lose your joy.

I have children and I don’t want them growing up in a world full of chaos, hate, judgment, or Covid, amongst other things, but here they are. They take everything in stride. It is true what they say; children are more resilient than we are. They still play, laugh, and have fun while enjoying everything kids do. My boys roll down luscious green grass-covered hills. They stomp their feet in the mud and splash in water puddles. They enjoy the rain while it is here, searching for a rainbow when the sun peeks from the gray clouds. Never losing sight of fun that each day brings.

In more than one way, my boys have helped me through this dark and difficult time. I may not know the answers to the many questions of Covid, but I know this tension we are all feeling will not last forever. Eventually, we will persevere as we’ve always done, but we must do it together. Being divided will only prolong this. Put your ego, your fear, your anger, down. Step outside and notice the beauty around you. The sunny skies, the birds chirping in the trees, the wind whispering in your ears, and the grass tickling your toes.

I’m planning many new things in 2022!

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